Tuesday, November 20, 2018




Hey guys, its Lons! Today i want to share some ways on how do identify a real or fake friend. Hopefully at the end of this post you will know what to do with untrue friends and how to preserve the loyal ones!

Note: This may not apply to everyone, so please don't attack me because this is based on occurrences that have happened to most people.


  • They are always happy for your success - True friends would never wish bad on you, no matter the weather because just as they would want to see themselves succeed, they will want the same for you.They might even be happier for you than you are for yourself.
  • They motivate you - If you have ever felt down,sad and not good enough, true friends will comfort you, and motivate you to do your best.They will push you to try new things which will benefit you in the future. During your road to success, they will support you throughout the whole journey.
  • They will always try to make you happy - Whether you are feeling happy or miserable, your friends will always cheer you up.Not only do they want to see a smile on your face but they want you to always be positive. They will leave you feeling confident and good about yourself.
    • They try their best to maintain your friendship - Even if you are going through a rough phase with your friends, or perhaps you have a long-distance relationship, your friends will try their all to conserve the friendship. They will make time to catch up, spend time with you and help you with other things in your life. They will put an effort to keep the connection of your friendship strong.
    • They are goodhearted - Good friends are always generous and kind. Even when they are trying to be honest and just with you, they will say it in a calming way, in a way that will not make you feel insecure but even more confident. Some of  the bad things that may need to be addressed to you, they may keep it to themselves, because they are cautious towards your feelings and they only want to see you happy and not hurt.
    The above are TRUE MATES, let me tell you what ; They are for keeps! 🔒💕


    First of all these aren't even your friends to start with. But because they are all about the acting and pretending, we aren't sure are we? Right, so for us to come to our conclusion, we have to know their motives when they are around us.

    • They are jealous - I'm sure some of us have been jealous of one another, but the kind of jealous i'm talking about here is weighty. Maybe you have just received good news and you are just too excited you want to share the news with your friends. Taking notice of their reactions is one way of finding out whether your friends are supportive or not. If one of them doesn't seem so happy, or rather looks bothered, then he/she isn't joyful to your success. You now know that they don't want to see you live a fortunate,prosperous life.

    • They make you seem like the 'bad guy' -  So these kind of friends are those who will turn a small situation into a big deal. He/she thinks you are trying to copy every move that she does, no, that's not all, she thinks by doing this, eventually you are going to do it better than her. She is afraid of you taking the spotlight,SHE DOES NOT WANT TO SEE YOU ABOVE HER!! So what does she do? she says some pretty hurtful things to you and plays the victim. Now for a person like me, i would actually believe i did something bad, i would start believing i'm a bad person and all that. But honey let me tell you something, DO NOT suppose any of these,because you are none of them. HE/SHE is just trying to bring you down, make you feel bad about yourself. You now know what to do ; CUT HIM/HER OFF!!✂

      • They only point out your errors - No matter what you do or say, your friend will always tell you the wrongs. Of course maybe you are thinking they are looking out for you, or only being genuine or real. HONEY! that's not being real, that's being rude. I don't know about you but my definition of rudeness may be different to yours, but as long as your friend always has something bad to say to you, then it definitely is being mean. I'm not trying to say your friend should be two faced, but at least they should not use their honesty to make you feel bad, they should just try to understand you also have feelings. Imagine you were to act that way towards them, they would think you are only being jealous right? In my opinion, if your friend denotes your imperfections, flaws and never your merits they ain't truthful, they are petty.

      These are all i could gather for this particular post,and because i realised it was getting long i decided i would make part 2 if of course you are interested. Hope this was useful to y'all, and if you needed this information hopefully you have now realised where your relationship with your friends stands.

      Thanks for reading!

      Good day❤️ 
      Lons xx

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