Wednesday, November 21, 2018



Hey guys, its me again! Today i have some helpful ideas on how to pass your tests like a boss! Trust me these have actually worked for me and i'm not trying to exaggerate but the results were amazing!!πŸ‘Œ Now without any time to waste, let me get on to the post.


⇊. READ!! -  No i'm not trying to be funny or anything but this is the most important thing to do when preparing for exams. I would advice you to read a week in advance for your exams, not any earlier than that because you can easily forget some information and really that can cost you. If at all you are lazy like me, you could try my risky method of studying (πŸ˜‚) This is what i do; For every exam, no matter how important it is, i always read a day before each test, i don't know but i think its the reason for my A's. Mind you, my reading is not for me to understand, i use the CAP method (Cram And Pass) so its for me to get everything crammed into my head for the test and later forget the information. I know its not a good thing to do, but it just seems to work perfectly fine for me. I can actually spend 10 hours straight reading everything for that subject, and the next day it will all be in my brain and voila i'm ready to ace the test.

⇊. LISTEN TO MUSIC - I do this all the time guys, listening to music actually helps me concentrate more, and understand clearly too. I believe that if you use earphones and listen to songs, it blocks out all the distractions and keeps you secluded on your own and privately you can read without being disturbed. You can listen to calm music, or instrumental music so you can only focus on what you are reading and not the lyrics to the song. With music, there is always a way!

⇊. AFFIRMATIONS - Writing a list of positive words which you can recite to every night and day can tame your brain to think in a certain way, and can increase your intelligence as well. If you say these words repeatedly, your brain will eventually get used to it and change to act in the way you want it to correspond. Within a short period, you will realise that you have gotten smarter and you have adapted to a different way of thinking. When you say the words, you have to believe. Believing plays a big role in your success, and no negative thoughts should feature in your brain, remember positivity is the key. You can write something similar to this:
  • I am clever
  • I get smarter each second
  • I believe in myself
  • I can do anything without doubt
  • I have a robust brain
  • I can grasp information with ease
  • I only pass with flying colours
  • I understand everything instantly
  • I am one of the top achievers in school
If you continue saying these positive words to yourself (aloud) you will notice a big change.Thank me laterπŸ˜™

⇊. ROYGBIV - (Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet) Yes i know, these are the colours of the rainbow, nope that's not all, the abbreviation to this combination is the easiest way of remembering the colours of the rainbow in order. As long as you can remember this short term, then you are sure you can remember all the colours of the rainbow. Now let me get to the point. What i'm trying to emphasise is that if you can simplify an arrangement of words or just sentences in particular you can simply use this ROYGBIV method to easily remember long sentences and words. I use it all the time and it has helped me a lot.

⇊. PRAY - I know there are some people who don't believe in God, go to church and don't pray. If you are one of them, without any disrespect or discrimination, this tip is not for you. It is only for the believers and people who practise prayer. The reason i'm addressing this is because there are people who are atheist and i'm not trying to offend them in any way, which is why i'm saying it. Now if you go to church, you know that Prayer is very important. Its one of the most important things in our lives. Without prayer, you cant go anywhere in life, because thorough prayer you are communicating to God,asking him to help you and guide you. If you pray everyday, even during your examinations, just  know God will answer your prayer and he will guide you throughout the paper and when you get your results you will realise God really did answer your request.

⇊. FOCUS - When you are writing your tests, try to focus on them and them alone! If it means giving away your devices up for confiscation then it is what you need to do in order to focus. All the time when i'm writing exams, my parents always put my phone away (because its the only thing that keeps me distracted) and i wont lie it helps because if i was to write exams while focusing on my phone as well, then ,my marks would all be BAD,HORRIBLE!! So i advice y'all to put away things that can easily distract you from focusing on your school work, especially during your examinations.

⇊. SEEK HELP - No, i don't mean from psychiatrists and i don't include anything that has to do with mental disorders or anything related. What i mean is seek help from your colleagues, parents and people you are close to. If you have problems with understanding certain subjects, then do ask the others for help. Their help might actually benefit you during your exams, and you will get the information you needed.

⇊. FIND A STUDY PARTNER - If you aren't the kind who likes studying alone, then finding a study buddy or getting in study groups could help. I have never been in any of those, but i think its useful because in the session you will be discussing important aspects with the others, and you can learn different things you hadn't known before and it could also benefit you in the exam.

I think that's all guys, hope these will help you, and if they do, please tell me all about it. Good luck with any of you who are writing your exams, get those A*s in your report.

Good day🌟
Lons xx

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